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- Commands covered are:
- IF
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- causes a command to be performed from the CLI
- This command has virtually the same result as just typing a command
- in at the CLI prompt. Consider the two statements below:
- Both of these statements will cause the command "COMMAND" to be initiated, the
- difference is that by using the RUN command, COMMAND will open it's own CLI
- and be performed from that one and it will release control of your CLI for
- further input by you...and isn't that what multi-tasking is all about?
- To illustrate this point, we'll use the ED command again, since it's
- one that will take over if allowed. We won't be writing anything into the
- editor. Just watch your command window's prompt.
- >> ED ram:foo
- /* After ED has finished loading and has displayed it's screen, you'll notice
- that your command window's prompt did not return. You can still type commands
- into this window, but they'll have to wait until the window is released by ED
- before they can be handled. So what?
- Let's say that you wanted to create a file and have it written to ram:,
- but since ED only writes to the current directory and since we didn't "CD ram:"
- before we started ED going, your results will not end up where you wanted them.
- Typing in "CD ram:" into the window at this point, will simply put your demand
- on hold until the window becomes free again. */
- Activate ED and press <ESC>:
- *Q
- OK, now type in:
- >> RUN ED ram:foo
- /* This time your prompt returned to the ready position and you can utilize
- this window for any commands you might want to run while still doing your
- editing chores. */
- Activate ED and press <ESC>:
- *Q
- There are times that you might intentionally want to tie-up the window
- and there are commands like DIR that don't tie the window up very long and
- automatically return control with no action on your part, so you don't have
- to RUN everything, but this decision-making will become more natural with
- experience.
- One last thing, RUN is not meant to be used with batchfiles. If you
- try to RUN a batchfile, you'll get an error that will tell that the file
- is not an object module and give you the number 121. This simply put means
- that the file you tried to RUN is not in the proper format (a binary
- executable program). EXECUTE is the command you want for batchfiles.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- is used to tell DOS that it is to read a text file of CLI commands
- and follow the commands contained therein.
- Why not just type in the commands you need and not even bother with
- batchfiles at all?
- You could. But to make things easier on yourself, you'll make and
- use batchfiles to perform operations that require a lot of commands that
- get repeated very often.
- Batchfiles are regular, garden variety text files that can be
- written, edited, and stored the same way you might write a letter to your
- mother. The exception being that each line contains a command exactly the
- way it would appear if you had typed it into the CLI at the prompt.
- The "startup-sequence" that configures your Amiga when you put
- a WB in at boot-up time is a batchfile.
- >> TYPE s:startup-sequence
- /* the startup-sequence will appear */
- It doesn't matter if it scrolls off the top of the window, but what's
- important is that you have a look at it and see how each line is a unique
- command. Hopefully, even though all the commands may not be ones we've
- discussed yet, it's apparent that you WOULD get the same results by typing
- each line into the CLI seperately.
- This should also illustrate that the Amiga doesn't do anything
- magical when you insert the WB at the hand-picture prompt. It will make the
- assignments that we looked at in Section 1, looks in the S: directory, and
- if it finds a file called "startup-sequence" it EXECUTEs it. /* If there
- isn't a "startup-sequence" in S:, it doesn't have anything to do and just stops
- with a CLI open */
- The next logical step following the facts that A) the startup-
- sequence is a batchfile; and B) batchfiles can be edited /* read customized */;
- it follows that you can cause all manner of things to happen when you're
- machine starts up.
- One other important fact to note is that you can pass an parameter
- to be used within the batchfile from the command line. This is done by using
- a special character within the file to signal DOS that a substitution is to
- be performed. This character is the period ".". A stipulation to using these
- lines is that if there are ANY within the file, at least THE FIRST LINE MUST
- CONTAIN ONE. The most common one that we might use at this level of skill is
- the ".KEY" or ".K" option.
- Let's say we want to create a batchfile that will start some program
- running. Let's also assume that it requires that the logical name FONTS: is
- assigned to it's font directory and that, to make the program run faster,
- we want to put one of it's files in ram:. /* Don't type in the following
- lines, they're for illustration only */ We could type in:
- BS> ASSIGN fonts: DISKNAME:fonts
- BS> COPY DISKNAME:filename ram:
- Now we do whatever we wanted to do and close the program. When we
- take the disk out the disk's icon will stay on the screen since FONTS: is
- still assigned to that disk, and the file we copied to ram: will still be
- there. We can always:
- BS> ASSIGN fonts: [WB:fonts]
- BS> DELETE ram:filename
- But, it's more trouble than it's worth if it's a program that's
- used fairly often and we might just forget.
- So, we're back to our batchfile. We want one that will both start
- the program and clean-up after we're done. /* There are a few ways to do
- this but to illustrate the use of the ".K" option, we'll go with this. To
- begin, you'd start ED and type in the following lines:
- /********** ILLUSTRATION ONLY **************/
- .K switch /* 1st line */
- IF "<switch>" EQ "on"
- ASSIGN fonts: diskname:fonts
- COPY diskname:filename ram:
- [RUN] diskname:program
- IF "<switch>" EQ "off"
- ASSIGN fonts: /* WB:fonts */
- DELETE ram:filename
- /*******************************************/
- Now all you'd have to do is:
- BS> EXECUTE batchfile [on][off]
- and the batchfile would check to see if the word you type at the end of the
- command line matches any of the occurances of the .KEYword "switch" and if
- it finds a match, it will perform that portion of the file. If it doesn't,
- it will just get to the end without doing anything.
- We'll come back to this example as we get more involved.
- Since we must walk before we run. Let's have a look at some of
- the commands that are solely used within batchfiles and that appear in our
- example. Some will be lumped together because that's the way they function
- and they'll make more sense that way.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- used to change the level at which the execution of a batchfile will
- abort when an error is detected or a command fails.
- An AmigaDOS command will usually return a numberic value if it fails for
- some reason or another. This value is usually 5, 10, or 20. The FAILAT command
- will prevent a batchfile from aborting should a command fail if the failat level
- is set higher than the number returned by the command. By default this level is
- set to 10 and upon exiting any given batchfile, this level is reset to the
- default.
- Fail limit: 10
- >> FAILAT 20
- Fail limit: 20
- In a batchfile, the FAILAT command must preceed any situation your
- trying to prevent from aborting the execution. Otherwise the batchfile will exit
- before it's reached.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- control the determination of conditional arguments and the method
- used to contend with the results.
- For every IF there MUST BE a matching ENDIF!
- This tells DOS where the command[s] we want run, as a result of the
- conditional, end[s].
- A few generic examples of how these can be used are:
- IF [condition] IF [condition] IF [condition]
- [command] [command] IF [condition]
- ENDIF ELSE [command]
- [command] ENDIF
- ENDIF [command]
- >> IF ?
- Whew!
- Let's start by eliminating a few of these that might be beyond the
- scope of this tutorial.
- Warn, Error, and Fail check for numberic values that are returned as
- a result of the checking the conditional. Since most commands return some value
- if they fail, you can check for this by using one of these parameters. The one
- thing to keep in mind is that with no changes, a command that fails will cause a
- batchfile to terminate. Here's where the FAILAT command would come into play.
- For an example, let's say that we want to create a directory from a
- batchfile. MAKEDIR will fail if the directory already exists. Here's one way we
- can check for this:
- ----------- Example batchfile only --------------
- failat 21 /* this can be any number greater than the fail value, 20 */
- makedir disk:directory
- if fail
- [condition]
- endif
- [failat 20] /* this can be reset if you want the batchfile to terminate on the
- next error condition */
- -------------------------------------------------
- This leaves us with IF by itself and NOT, EQ, EXISTS as additional
- conditionals.
- Keep in mind, batchfiles aren't exactly like writing programs in a
- real programming language like C or Basic. They run from top to bottom.
- EQ checks for "equality" between the two items on either side
- of it. Note that both of these are surrounded by quotes. This tells it that
- these are literal. /* char wouldn't match "x" */
- .K char
- IF "<char>" EQ "X"
- EXISTS looks to see if the conditional is there.
- IF EXISTS [condition]
- NOT checks for a negative situation.
- IF NOT [condition]
- Sometimes you'll want to use them together.
- IF NOT EXISTS [condition]
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- provide a method for bypassing sections of your batchfile.
- For every SKIP command there MUST BE a LAB command!
- /* upper portion of batchfile */
- SKIP name
- /* section to be SKIPped over */
- LAB name
- /* section to be SKIPped to */
- When the DOS reaches the command SKIP, it reads the name that follows
- and bypasses the rest of the lines until it reaches a LAB command that has
- the same name after it. Then execution continues as normal.
- These are usually, but not necessarily, used in conjunction with
- the IF command.
- For example:
- IF [condition]
- SKIP [name]
- [command]
- /* section that's skipped if the IF condition is true */
- LAB [name]
- /* file continues */
- In this example, if the condition at the IF in the first line isn't met,
- the execution will skip down to the line LAB and continue from there.
- One more thing, LAB won't affect the normal flow of the file, if
- AmigaDOS runs across one that it hasn't SKIPped to:
- If the condition in the first line IS NOT met and the file ignores the
- SKIP command, execution will continue through the commands specified after the
- ELSE and right on through the rest of the file paying no attention to the LAB
- line. If this is something that you don't desire, use the QUIT command to
- terminate, set-up another SKIP, or re-position the LAB keeping in mind that you
- can't go backwards.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- causes a batchfile to exit upon reaching the command
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- Remember the sample batchfile, we used in the EXECUTE discussion?
- Well, it wasn't very polished, so to demonstrate a few of the previous
- commands, let's add a few lines to it. Keep in mind that this is just an
- example and not meant to perform a real function.
- /********** ILLUSTRATION ONLY **************/
- .K switch /* 1st line */
- IF "<switch>" EQ "on"
- ASSIGN fonts: DISKNAME:fonts
- COPY DISKNAME:filename ram:
- IF "<switch>" EQ "off"
- ASSIGN fonts: /* WB:fonts */
- DELETE ram:filename
- /*******************************************/
- In a real situation, I'm not sure that it would be worth expanding
- this too much more, but...let's throw in a little error checking.
- If the user forgets to type in parameter for "switch", it won't
- work. If he types in "On", it won't match. So as a good batchfile writer,
- out-think the user, even if it's yourself.
- Mainly, we need a way to inform the user of the usage the file will
- expect.
- Here's one way that this can be done:
- .K switch /* 1st line */
- IF "<switch>" EQ "" /* checks for no parameter */
- SKIP usage
- IF "<switch>" eq "on"
- ASSIGN fonts: diskname:fonts
- COPY diskname:filename ram:
- [RUN] diskname:program
- IF "<switch>" EQ "off"
- IF EXISTS WB:fonts
- ASSIGN fonts: WB:fonts
- ASSIGN fonts:
- DELETE ram:filename
- QUIT /* this QUIT is here so that the usage statement won't be
- printed if the user typed in the parameter "off" correctly. ENDIF and LAB won't
- prevent the normal top->bottom flow, so without the QUIT, execution would
- continue past both of those commands and into the usage statement, causing
- confusion to the user and prompting him/her to make probably unfounded remarks
- about your dubious parentage. In case the user typed in the wrong thing, the
- last error we need to consider, control will bypass this IF and print out the
- usage statement */
- LAB usage
- ECHO "Either use 'on' or 'off' as a parameter"
- /* remember you can't use " inside of the ECHO string, or it
- will think it's found the end */
- OK, so it's not beautiful, but it would work. With the "IF EXISTS"
- for the fonts directory, this file could be stored on the disk with the
- program and it would check to see if you have a fonts directory on your
- WB.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- Need more help?
- There are several pages in the AmigaDOS manual that cover EXECUTE
- and more on the other commands that have been mentioned. You'd be well
- advised to direct your attention to those pages for further study, I've
- only scratched the surface.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- Now you seen how some of these commands are used, let's build something
- that might be considered useful.
- Remember way back when, I said I didn't like the shotgun approach to
- putting stuff in ram:c? Now you're going to write a batchfile that will put a
- few of the most common commands there instead of copying the whole df0:c (dir).
- Oh! you'd like a little help? Alright.
- First, we'll need to get ED going, but we'll need to have a name for our
- file, I tend to like to give batchfiles a name that both captures the essence of
- what it's supposed to do AND is easy to type. "C" might do it, but it could be a
- little too succinct. For the sake of the argument, let's use ram_c. Of course
- you can use anything you want, but you'll have to do the substitutions:
- >> ED s:ram_c
- /* The editor starts. Type the following lines in WITHOUT the /* */ comments!!
- EXECUTE doesn't recognize that pattern as a comment and you'll be opening
- yourself up to a world of hurt! */
- in the ED window
- makedir ram:c /* sets up the destination */
- copy c:Copy ram:c
- assign c: ram:c /* this will speed up the process of the repeated use
- of the COPY command */
- copy df0:c/Assign c: /* same source and destination, but different names */
- copy df0:c/CD c:
- copy df0:c/Dir c:
- copy df0:c/Delete c:
- copy df0:c/Execute c:
- copy df0:c/Path c:
- copy df0:c/Run c:
- ; copy df0:c/ c:
- ;copy df0:c/ c: /* the ";" IS the way to do comments in
- a batchfile!! Anything that follows, is ignored.
- Spaces between lines are OK. They make the files
- easier to read.
- If you leave a line or two like this
- around, should you want to add more, it's a quick
- job of editing. THEY AREN'T REQUIRED!!! I did it
- as an example */
- path add c: df0:c /* PATH looks in current directory and c: right now.
- Since we haven't copied ALL our commands to ram:c,
- we can get it to find the rest this way. So why add
- c: when it's already there? c: is the LAST place that
- gets searched and since all the commands are in df0:c
- too, that's where they'd be found. Like this, they'll
- be found in ram:c first.The other way to go about
- this would be to reASSIGN C: to df0:c and add ram:c
- to the path..like this... */
- /* ASSIGN c: df0:c
- PATH ADD ram:c */
- ;End of File
- <ESC>
- * x
- So it's saved to the disk, now what?
- This file can be EXECUTEd right now, except that ram:c already exists
- and that situation will cause MAKEDIR to fail and the file's execution to end.
- Here's what we'll do..
- >> INFO
- /* take note of how big ram: is, we'll use this for a comparison */
- >> ASSIGN c: df0:c
- >> DELETE ram:c all
- >> EXECUTE ram_c /* EXECUTE doesn't NEED to be told it's IN s:, only if
- it's NOT. Remember, it looks there by default. */
- >> INFO
- /* the size of the ram: disk should be considerably smaller. BTW (by the way)
- don't be confused by the fact that you're told there are STILL 0 bytes free in
- ram:, no matter how much you have, it always says that. */
- This is all well and good, but now the REAL test of our mettle!
- Putting it in the (drum-roll) startup-sequence (a hushed, but lengthy aaaaahhhh)
- We'll be smart, though...lest we make a mistake:
- >> COPY s:startup-sequence s:old_startup
- /* this gives us a backup in case we mess something up and don't notice! */
- Here we go...
- >> ED s:startup-sequence
- /* here's what you'll find: */
- winsize 0 0 600 199
- echo "Putting C: in RAM:*nPlease be patient a few minutes..."
- makedir ram:C
- copy c: ram:c quiet
- assign C: ram:C
- cls
- echo "
- [0m will be used by READER to read the instruction text"
- echo "and
- [0m will be used by you to type COMMANDS into"
- echo "to get the feel of the whole thing"
- wait 10
- newcli "con:0/201/640/199/ Your commands go in this window " s:pmt
- cls
- echo "
- [7m IMPORTANT STUFF....please read!!!
- [0m"
- echo "*n*n
- [3mCLICK in the UPPER window
- [0m*n"
- echo "At the prompt in the UPPER window,*ntype in this line....*n"
- echo "
- [33mReader CLI_tutorial.intro
- [0m*nThen..."
- echo "Use the gadgets at the bottom of the READER to control your position"
- echo "within the text. You can change the colors and quit from the READER menu"
- There are already several fatal mistakes in the sequence caused by
- merely loading it into ED. Can you find them?
- Look at the ECHO line 7th from the top. There's only:
- ECHO "
- on it. And the two lines below it are junk! So what happened?
- When I wrote the file, I didn't use ED, I used the MicroEMACS editor
- from the EXTRAS disk. EMACS has a way to imbed <ESC> keystrokes in the text,
- this allows you to alter the output. Ergo, the text/colors are different in this
- case. We'll get into that in the next section, but for now, you'll need to
- reconstruct that line.
- ED does allow you to simulate an <ESC> with "*e".
- What you need to do is put an "*e" /* or "*E", it doesn't matter */
- IN FRONT of the "[" on all the lines below an ECHO line AND then retype the
- ECHO line so that they look like this example:
- ECHO "*e[33mReader CLI_tutorial.intro*e[0m*nThen..."
- and delete the two lines that start with "[".
- Your end result at this point should look like this:
- winsize 0 0 640 199
- echo "Putting C: in RAM:*nPlease be patient a few minutes..."
- makedir ram:C
- copy c: ram:c quiet
- assign C: ram:C
- cls
- echo "*e[7m THIS WINDOW *e[0m will be used by READER to read the instruction
- text" /* this HAS to be part of the above line!! */
- echo "and *e[7m THE OTHER WINDOW *e[0m will be used by you to type COMMANDS
- into" /* this HAS to be part of the above line!! */
- echo "to get the feel of the whole thing"
- wait 10
- newcli "con:0/201/640/199/ Your commands go in this window " s:pmt
- cls
- echo "*e[7m IMPORTANT STUFF....please read!!!*e[0m"
- echo "*n*n*e[3mCLICK in the UPPER window*e[0m*n"
- echo "At the prompt in the UPPER window,*ntype in this line....*n"
- echo "*e[33mReader CLI_tutorial.intro*e[0m*nThen..."
- echo "Use the gadgets at the bottom of the READER to control your position"
- echo "within the text. You can change the colors and quit from the READER menu"
- Great! We're past the hard part. Let's get finished.
- To install our modification, we need to delete the three lines that
- begin with "MAKEDIR", "COPY c:", and "ASSIGN", these are the third, fourth, and
- fifth lines in the file. The quick way to do this is:
- Put the cursor on the line that begins with "MAKEDIR"
- Press <CTRL>B and the line will disappear.
- Press <CTRL>B twice more.
- Move the cursor to the beginning (the left) of the 2d line and press <RETURN>
- Move the cursor back up to the empty line we've just created and type:
- execute ram_c
- That should do it! Your final file should look like this, with the
- exception of the two lines I had to split to fit on the screen here:
- winsize 0 0 640 199
- echo "Putting C: in RAM:*nPlease be patient a few minutes..."
- execute ram_c
- cls
- echo "*e[7m THIS WINDOW *e[0m will be used by READER to read the instruction
- text" /* this HAS to be part of the above line!! */
- echo "and *e[7m THE OTHER WINDOW *e[0m will be used by you to type COMMANDS
- into" /* this HAS to be part of the above line!! */?
- echo "to get the feel of the whole thing"
- wait 10
- newcli "con:0/201/640/199/ Your commands go in this window " s:pmt
- cls
- echo "*e[7m IMPORTANT STUFF....please read!!!*e[0m"
- echo "*n*n*e[3mCLICK in the UPPER window*e[0m*n"
- echo "At the prompt in the UPPER window,*ntype in this line....*n"
- echo "*e[33mReader CLI_tutorial.intro*e[0m*nThen..."
- echo "Use the gadgets at the bottom of the READER to control your position"
- echo "within the text. You can change the colors and quit from the READER menu"
- Now:
- <ESC>
- * x
- Our changes have now been rendered as a series of magnetic hocus-pocus
- to the disk. In order to view you handiwork, you'll have to reboot. Don't panic
- if it doesn't work, it's probably a simple mistake you can correct by taking
- another look at this file. If something does go wrong, make a mental note of
- what failed..you'll get a message and that should help you track it down.
- If you need to do more work all you'll need to do is:
- >> ED s:startup-sequence
- and make whatever changes might be necessary.
- But, since it's going to work, we'll move on to CLI_tutorial.6